I Am A Killer: Chapter 4 – The First Day of School

PREVIOUS – INDEX – NEXT The First Day of School TL: AmeryEdge ED: Azusky, LtBeefy, JSmith — Qin Xuan brought with her a large school bag as she stood among the sea of people in front of the school gate. Looking up, she saw large words shining in golden colors “B City Secondary School”. Qin Shuhua reached

I Am A Killer: Chapter 3 – New Family

PREVIOUS – INDEX – NEXT New Family TL: AmeryEdge ED: LtBeefy — Aside from eating, bathing, and a minimal amount of sleep, Qin Xuan was always cultivating her Inner Qi. Maybe it was due to her body’s weak constitution; no matter how much she tried, her Inner Qi reserve did not improve and her dantian remained

I Am A Killer: Chapter 2 – Divorce

PREVIOUS – INDEX – NEXT Divorce TL: AmeryEdge ED: Azusky, LtBeefy, JSmith — “Huh?” Yin Xudong thought that he had heard wrongly and picked his ears to make sure. “Me, hungry.” Qin Xuan spoke with a deadpan expression, “give me… something to eat.” She had not eaten since she woke up in the sterile white room the

I Am A Killer: Chapter 1 – I Am Hungry

PREVIOUS – INDEX – NEXT I Am Hungry TL: AmeryEdge ED: LtBeefy, JSmith — In the dark, Qin Xuan’s eyes flew open. She turned towards the balcony while her hands slipped underneath the pillow and pulled something out. Her body then flipped like a flying carp as she hid behind the curtains. Qin Xuan gently made